Nith River Forest Hiking Experience

4 hr Guided Trip
Available as:

. Save 10% booking with Early Booking Adventure Sale

Take a path less traveled exploring untamed natural areas along the little-known Nith River. Tributary of the Grand & part of a designated Canadian Heritage River, it's home to some of South Ontario's largest forests. Experience rare Carolinian Forest in hidden valleys lost in time with untouched beauty.'Meandering through rural Oxford County the Nith's Forests feature folklore of lost early riverside settlements & amazing nature with stunning sights unknown even to locals. Picturesque old iron bridges & herds of white-tailed deer cross the river, while Red-tailed Hawks cry out above.
An immersive interpretative forest experience with animal tracking, exploring habitat, a historic old Trapper's Lean-to's & pioneer's cabin foundation lost in the forest. Includes campfire building for a warm lunch of our delicious Maple Chilli, our Nith hike is an authentic explorer's experience. amazing all year.
See below On-line Booking Form to view trip photos

Save 10% with Early Booking Adventure Sale. Pricing is in booking section below

Below that is virtual trip experience with video & photos of the trip

book by phone 1-888-258-0441.
If calling after hours leave message & we'll quickly return your call.

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Please fill out the form to book your trip (all fields are required):

This trip is offered on: Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Between: Dec 2, 2024 and Nov 28, 2025

Calculate Your Trip Total:


Hike - Regular $ / person
Hike - Sale $ / person

Tax (13%) $0.00

Total $0.00

This is only a guideline. Your account will be charged in CAD$ and your credict card will convert to USD$ at roughly the above rate.

